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20 - 27 / 06 / 2022 / 1 PARTICIPANTS

The PICO Kids Ambassadors will be running its second cohort in partnership with the Emirate Hills Dubai British School, part of the Taaleem educational network in the United Arab Emirates. The delegation of 20 boys and girls in grades 8-9 from Jerusalem will spend eight intense weeks of 'boot-camp' preparation before traveling to the UAE to spend the week with their Emirati peers. Sessions will include public speaking, spoken Arabic, problem solving techniques and other skills needed to represent the best of PICO Kids, Israel and their own identity. With the goal of activating participants hearts, minds and hands, through values-based teamwork, and working together to imagine solutions to challenges the world faces, participants will spend three seminar days together with the Taaleem school students in Dubai, ending in a Makeathon where teams will present their final prototypes. In addition to the youth-to-youth seminar, the delegation  will visit leading innovation centers in Dubai, and meet with world- leading business and social leaders, who will share insights on creating socially responsible businesses and promoting mission-driven values. Registration is open until 10/4/22 Preparatory seminar Begins 24/4/22



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